Beard Care Products 101: What are they? When and how to use them!

Beard Care Products 101: What are they? When and how to use them!


In theory, this one should be the easiest.You wash your hair, so it only makes sense that you should wash your beard. That said, there is a difference between the two. First of all, the skin under your beard is more sensitive than your scalp, so your daily beard wash should be mild to avoid pulling moisture from your skin. Most hair shampoos and bar soaps are more prone to stripping the healthy oils that your face and beard need, which can lead to dry skin, itch and irritation. Secondly, your beard hair sees a lot more daily....uhhh challenges, than your head. Chicken wings, barbeque sauce, maybe a good cheesesteak or pepperoni pizza, not to mention exposure to the elements, all of these (and more) need to be lathered away with a mild, clean rinsing beard wash. Use beard wash daily. 

Bert Daniels Beard Wash is a paraben free, sulfate free, plant based cleanser with great ingredients including aloe vera, chamomile and witch hazel to keep your beard clean and your skin soft. 



Using a top quality beard oil is the cornerstone of a healthy beard AND skin. Yes, it serves a dual role by adding daily moisture to your beard and skin which keeps your beard smooth and your skin moist, flake and itch free. Though there are different types of beard oils with a range of ingredients and viscosities, one thing to avoid is cheap filler oils like mineral oil (which really has no value and can clog your pores), soybean oil and canola (which don't add much benefit and have short shelf life) and instead look for premium oils like sweet almond, argan, castor, grape seed, olive and other nourishing oils. The amount of oil you should use depends on the size of your beard (duh), so start with a nickel to quarter size and adjust as needed. Work into your palms and fingertips and apply to your beard, making sure to work into the skin. A good comb through helps distribute evenly. A good beard oil should be absorbed in 30-60 minutes. Use beard oil daily. 

Bert's Beard Oil uses top quality sweet almond, argan, castor and grape seed oils, plus an infusion of botanicals like rosemary and rice bran with natural essential and fragrance oils. It leaves your beard soft, smooth and skin moisturized. 



Beard balm is a great option to add additional moisture that is primarily focused on the health of your beard. It usually contains the same beneficial oils found in beard oil, but steps it up a notch by including additions like shea or cocoa butter and finished with beeswax to provide some mild styling and hold benefits. Similar to beard oils, look for high quality oils as well as unrefined butters that all combine to improve beard health. Beard balm is mildly waxy at first, put a pea sized piece (depending on your beard size) in your palms and slowly rub together to warm. Work into the beard fully and comb through to distribute. Beard balm is commonly used once or twice a week depending on the dryness of your beard, though humidity and beard type can lead to more or less use. 

Bert's Beard Balm uses the same high quality oils found in our beard oil, African shea butter and natural beeswax (including natural Iowa sourced) for a great blend of ingredients to provide deep nourishment for your beard while reducing flyaway.